Saturday, March 20, 2010

Little-Way #00007 released

Little-Way #00007 is available here. This Little-Way comic strip introduced Doby and Moby, they’re conjoint robot, back to back. When I started drawing this comic years ago, the theme was always about robots that are raising a boy.

The robots were always going to be stuck together, that didn’t change. What changed was the design of the robots. In the beginning, they were more ordinary like how people imagined robots with limbs and full-metal, with Doby stuck at the back and Moby the saddest looking hunk of metal. As much as I like the design, fitting them into each frame was troublesome. I had them transfer into the form seen in this comic strip quite early. I used different style of lettering for Doby, hoping it is easier for readers to tell who is who.

Cayden is starting school, what troubles will he get into ? Please look forward to the next Little-Way webcomic.

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